Occupational Safety

An accident waiting to happen…

"Occupational Safety Before Anything Else"

As Master Servis, who always centralizes humans and human values, we act in every way according to the terms of Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.

We keep both our projects and our employees constantly updated with continuous trainings of occupational safety with our Job Safety Expert Team.


We begin our work with RISK ANALYSIS to determine existing dangers and risk factors at workplaces along with rating of these risk factors to take needed precautions in our projects.


Item 7

  1. Risk assessment is used, from the establishment phase of all workplaces, for identifying and analyzing risks, agreeing on risk control measures and documentation by updating the works that was done and by renewing them if necessary.
  2. When employees are assessed in the risk assessment, their views are taken in each step taken so that the employees can take part in the process.


Item 8

  1. When the dangers are identified, the following information shall be collected according to the working environment, employees and the interest in the workplace.
    1. Workplace building and its attachments.
    2. Activities carried out in the workplace and work and transactions.
    3. Production process and techniques.
    4. Work equipment.
    5. Materials used.
    6. Waste and waste handling.
    7. Organization and hierarchical structure, duties, authorities and responsibilities.
    8. Employees’ experiences and thoughts.
    9. Work permit documents to be taken under the relevant legislation before starting work.
    10. Employees’ education, age, gender and similar characteristics and health surveillance records.
    11. The situation of groups such as young, old, disabled, pregnant or breastfeeding employees and women employees who require special policy.
    12. Inspection results of your workplace.
    13. Occupational records.
    14. Occupational accident records.
    15. Records of incidents involving workplace or work equipment that do not cause injury or death to the workplace.
    16. Near-miss records.
    17. Material safety data sheets.
    18. Ambient and personal exposure level measurement results.
    19. previous risk assessment studies if there is any.
    20. Emergency plans.
    21. Documents to be prepared in certain workplaces, such as health and safety plan and preventive document.
  2. While the information about the dangers is collected, the work accidents and emerging occupational diseases that occur in similar establishments which is producing the same products or using similar methods and techniques can be evaluated.
  3. Considering the information collected and the provisions of the legislation on occupational health and safety; the hazards that may arise from physical, chemical, biological, psychosocial, ergonomic and similar sources of danger in the working environment or the hazards which may result in their interaction are identified and recorded. During this assessment, following aspects that may be affected by these issues and how they can be affected are considered.
    1. Dangers that may arise due to the location of the facility.
    2. Hazards that may result from construction of unplanned attachments in the selected area, office building and its attachments.
    3. Hazards that may arise from the construction and construction style of the building and its attachments and selected building materials.
    4. Hazards that may arise from factors such as work procedures, shift order, team work, organization, supervisory system, hierarchical order, other persons who are not visitors or workplace employees during any activity to be carried out at the workplace, including maintenance and repair work.
    5. Hazards that may arise from the manufacture of the business, production techniques, materials used, machinery and equipment, tools and equipment, and their non-conformity with the physical characteristics of the employees.
    6. Hazards that may arise from heating, ventilation, atmospheric and environmental protection, drainage, refinement, fire prevention and fighting equipment and similar auxiliary installations and equipment, and components of electrical installations such as high current, lighting, lightning arrester, grounding.
    7. Hazards that may arise from the processing, use, transport, storage or destruction of materials which may cause burning, glare or explosion in the workplace.
    8. Hazards that may arise from the hygiene conditions of the working environment and the personal hygiene habits of the employees.
    9. Hazards that may arise from the use of employees’ transportation routes within the workplace.
    10. Dangers that may arise from the lack of adequate training of employees in terms of ​​occupational health and safety, the lack of information, the lack of appropriate instructions for employees, or the need for a work permit procedure without such permission.
  4. All the necessary controls, measurements, investigations are carried out in order to determine the hazards, their qualities and quantities and the employee’s exposure levels to those hazards by looking at previous control, measurement, investigation and research in the workplace related to the hazards caused by physical, chemical, biological, psychosocial, ergonomic and similar dangerous sources in the working environment.


Item 9

  1. By considering each of the identified hazards separately, it is assessed how often the risks that may arise from these hazards can occur and how, to whom and to what degree these risks may harm. While this assessment is being done, current precautions are taken into consideration.
  2. The risks are analyzed in light of collected data considering characteristics of the operation, nature of hazards or risks in the workplace, constraints of the workplace or methods chosen on the basis of national or international standards.
  3. If there are sections in the workplace where different tasks are carried out, the points in the first and second paragraphs are repeated for each section.
  4. If the analysis is performed for individual sections, the interactions of the sections are taken into consideration as a whole while concluding.
  5. Risks analyzed are sorted and written starting from the highest risk level according to their magnitude and significance to determine control measures.


Item 10

  1. The following steps are used to control risks:
    1. Planning: A plan is made to analyze the risks that are ranked according to their magnitude and importance.
    2. Decision of risk control measures: The risk is completely eliminated; if this is not possible, the following steps should be taken to reduce the risk to an acceptable level:
      1. Removal of danger or sources of danger.
      2. Replacing a hazard with a non-dangerous or less dangerous one.
      3. Fighting with risks in their sources.
    3. Implementation of risk control measures: Plans which include decided risk control measures and its procedural steps, the person or department who will perform the procedure, the starting and ending dates and similar information, are made. These plans are applied by the employer.
    4. Implementation monitoring: Implementation steps of the prepared plans are regularly monitored, inspected and determined, and necessary corrective and preventive actions are completed.
  2. Priority is given to collective protection measures and personal protective measures, and the measures to be implemented is made sure not to cause new risks.
  3. Once the control measures for the identified risk is put into practise, the risk level is assessed again. If the new level is above the acceptable level, the steps in this measure are repeated.


Item 11

  1. The risk assessment is documented to include the following aspects.
    1. Title and address of the workplace and the name of the employer.
    2. The names and titles of the persons who performed the assessment and certificates of occupational safety specialists and workplace doctors given by the ministry.
    3. Date of the assessment and date of its validity.
    4. If the risk assessment is made separately for the different parts of the workplace, the name of each one.
    5. Dangers and the identified sources of danger.
    6. Detected risks.
    7. Method or methods used in risk analysis.
    8. Analysis results which includes the order of importance and priority of the identified risks.
    9. Corrective and preventive control measures, dates of implementation and the level of risk identified after.
  2. The pages of the Risk Assessment document are numbered; every page is paraphed by the person who performed the assessment and the final page is signed and stored in the workplace.
  3. The risk assessment document can be prepared and archived in electronic and similar environments.

Updating the Risk Assessment

Item 12

  1. Risk assessment made according to the hazard class which is sorted as; very dangerous, dangerous and less dangerous workplaces, renewed at the latest two, four and six years respectively.
  2. Risk assessment is fully or partially renewed considering new risks that may arise in the following situations while taking into account if those risks affect all or part of the workplace.
    1. Moving your workplace or making changes to the premises.
    2. Changes in technological materials and equipment used in the workplace.
    3. Changes in production method.
    4. Occurrence of occupational accident, occupational disease, or near-miss.
    5. Legislative amendment changes on the limit values of the working environment.
    6. It is deemed necessary according to the work environment measurement and the results of health surveillance.
    7. Emergence of a new danger arising out of the workplace and affecting the workplace.